Need help ASAP maybe std


So two weeks ago I had a uti which I brushed under the carpet. I then had to make an appointment for the doctor as I was 38.8’C and was experiencing extreme hot and cold flushes, having pain weeing and standing or walking for too long due to discharge, and my pelvic glands are still sore and some what sensitive.

Went to the doctors as she treated it as a bad case of uti or a kidney infection, and gave me this (first photo) I did a blood test and a std test.

Went back to the doctors, my results where negative for chlaymidia and gonorrhoea. He prescribed me codeine for the pain and I couldn’t be on my feet for too long without being in pain or having to go into the squat position to relieve the pain. He also gave me another medication (second photo) which I believe is penicillin, (kinda) as he thinks it’s a bacterial infection.

The last photo is extreme tmi but I don’t know what else to do, thought I could get advice off you girls. So I know what to prepare myself for tomorrow when I go back.

I’m so worried and scared.