Is the use of proper grammar less important now then it was in the past?


Forms of communication have modernized over time. When we were once only able to write letters, we are now able to text, FaceTime, and have virtual meetings. The languages can vary depending on the type of communication—for example, using emojis or short hand in a text (brb, omg, etc..). Slang is used widely and among different age groups. Additionally, software now has suggested spelling and grammar cues that can help correct someone when they potentially make an error.

Bonus questions: Is the emphasis on using proper grammar dying off in favor of just using enough to be generally understood? Do we need and use less grammar now then in the past generations? Should we spend less time in grammar in schools?

Side note: I’ll thank you all not to critique my post for grammar. I’m asking the question, but in no way am I claiming to be perfect. 😂😉

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