Homozygous MTHFR (trigger mention)

Kylie • Crunchy momma 🍃 On my 4th pregnancy🤰🏻 One living rainbow child 🌈 MTHFR homozygous fighter 🙌🏼

This is my 4th pregnancy but hopefully my 2nd living child

We just found out after my last loss that I have both MTHFR mutations. (Homozygous, worst case scenario) This explained a lot, however...

This time, we wanted to treat it for a while and get my homocysteine levels normal before getting pregnant again.

Well......we accidentally got pregnant and I don’t we want to lose this baby.

I’m taking L methyl folate, eating healthy, avoiding folic acid and my doctor is about to give me the daily injections to prevent blood clots to the placenta. Is there anything else I can do?

I heard that some women take baby aspirin to help with blood clotting. But I won’t do that until I talk to my doctor.

Should I avoid metals like iron?

Thanks a lot!