Sex drive? who’s that?

lemme just throw this out here real quick... I REALLY love sex, lost my virginity at 15 and have been having semi regular sex since then (i’m 19 now, yes i do get tested before and after every partner i’ve had & have been on birth control since i lost my virginity).

I’ve always had a very high sex drive but recently it just up and decided to disappear & i’m getting really mad about it 😂

like for example last night i was hooking up with my ex (yes i know it’s not a wise decision but i never said i was a smart person) and when he went down on me i just wasn’t turned on like how i usually am & at first i thought he just forgot how to eat pussy but then i realized it was me 🙃

does anyone else’s sex drive randomly decide to take a vacation? i just needed rant lol