Pregnancy Spacing



Is it really necessary for everyone to wait 18 months between pregnancies?

I know, I know, this is one of those “why don’t you ask your doctor?” questions.

I’m just curious to hear some of your opinions/experiences.

My second child will be 3 weeks old tomorrow. At 2 weeks pp my husband and I had unprotected sex. Yes, we were very stupid. Yes, I’m lucky I don’t have an infection. Let’s not harp on that.

Anyways, last night as he climbs into bed and cuddles up with me he says, “I really want you to be pregnant”, quickly followed by “I mean, whenever you’re ready”

We want at least two more kids. We had planned to wait the full 18 months in the interest of everyone’s health, but we’re already so ready for another.

So my question(s), to those of you who had another baby shortly after birth; how long did you wait, how did it effect the subsequent pregnancy/baby, were you exclusively breastfeeding, and how did tandem nursing effect your milk supply?

Any feed back is very much appreciated!

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Posted at
I’ve had 4 pregnancies in 3 years. 3 live births. I wouldn’t recommend it. Getting pregnant so soon with my 3rd (8m after my 2nd) was SO hard on my body. There were so many more complications during pregnancy and my recovery. This can all just be a fluke situation and could have easily happened even if I had waited 3 years. But I just know my body hadn’t had enough time to recover. I would suggest at least waiting a year before having another.


Shannyn • Mar 25, 2019
It was tough being told several times that I could die or lose my baby as a result of these complications. There were too many close calls to count.


Shannyn • Mar 25, 2019
I had complete placenta previa. Bled from 11-15 weeks. Was on bedrest for it until 22w. On pelvic rest until 35w. I bled a lot after delivery. And I got preeclampsia after birth. The journey was very terrifying. So worth it for my baby girl, but I will not be having any more children.


Posted at
Besides potential complications, you should also consider how it will affect your first born child. I had severe morning sickness so I know I wouldn’t be able to be my best for my first born while pregnant again. Also, I wanted to be able to focus on her for a while without having to split my attention because she deserves that. Don’t get me wrong, giving your baby a sibling is amazing and you’ll never regret that. People love having children who are close in age but just be sure to consider everything when you plan to have more 😊 My children are exactly 2 years apart and I love this age gap and personally wouldn’t have kids any closer than 2 years apart.


Ch • Mar 5, 2019
My first child is 7 (from another relationship) and I guess I always felt guilty about him being lonely. He’s always had all my attention but I know it’s not the same as having another kid around. I guess there’s definitely a happy medium.


Posted at
I got pregnant with my second when our first was 8 months, so they were almost exactly 18 months apart.It’s been hard on me both mentally and physically. The second baby really messed up my body. He was 8lbs15oz as well. I have really bad Diastasis Recti which causes me lower back pain as well.I went from pregnant to breastfeeding to pregnant to breastfeeding so it will be a long time before my body is mine again. I had to stop feeding my first around the second trimester because my milk dried up, but thankfully I was able to get her to a year, though I had hoped to go longer.I felt so badly for my daughter because she is too young to understand and still a baby herself. She also literally started the transition to terrible twos around 18 months, when our second was born so it’s been exhausting dealing with tantrums plus a newborn.We originally wanted three kids but this just broke me, so we’ve decided we’re all set with two. If we would have waited longer between we would likely be having three still.I don’t regret it because I love my babies, but I do feel guilty sometimes that both my kids are suffering with not getting as much attention as they need at these formative young ages because of having them so close together.


Ma • Mar 5, 2019
Lol same


Shannyn • Mar 5, 2019
Every word you said is almost exactly what I’m living with my youngest two. I feel rather broke right now only 8w in. I absolutely love my babies but I really wish I would have waiting longer to have the 3rd. Birth control doesn’t always work🤷🏼‍♀️


Posted at
I got pregnant with my 2nd when my 1st was 6 months old. They're about 15 months apart now. My OB told me I could have complications because it was a "short interval pregnancy," but the only "complication" I had was an umbilical cord that stuck into the placenta sideways instead of straight into the middle (I can't remember the medical term for it). Nothing bad came from it either. Healthy baby. I did have an even crazier postpartum though. I have no idea if it was related or not. But my thyroid was horribly out of whack. I ended up being diagnosed with an actual thyroid disease, which if you have, apparently you're born with it. So it just came out of remission (which it had been in remission my whole life) after my 2nd was born.


Posted at
Got pregnant when my little girl was 11 months, not planned and DEFINITELY HARDER than the first time around


Posted at
(I originally got pregnant when our son was 9/10m - planned, but happened 1st try which we weren’t expecting - but lost baby at about 7wks)Got pregnant again about 2wks after our son turned 1. It’s a great age gap, they adore each other, and my eldest hasn’t once shown jealousy / bad behaviour since his baby brother was born. Negatives (for me!) are: I had 24/7 nausea / sickness until 30wks, plus SPD from 16wks (so bed rest, crutches etc). I felt like I couldn’t really do anything with my son for the whole pregnancy, and felt like I was letting him down. Also, now I’m weaning my youngest & potty training eldest, and basically my entire life is just a wreck right nowBut in another couple of years my life will be sooooo easy...maybe...I hope...😂
(I originally got pregnant when our son was 9/10m - planned, but happened 1st try which we weren’t expecting - but lost baby at about 7wks)Got pregnant again about 2wks after our son turned 1. It’s a great age gap, they adore each other, and my eldest hasn’t once shown jealousy / bad behaviour since his baby brother was born. Negatives (for me!) are: I had 24/7 nausea / sickness until 30wks, plus SPD from 16wks (so bed rest, crutches etc). I felt like I couldn’t really do anything with my son for  the whole pregnancy, and felt like I was letting him down. Also, now I’m weaning my youngest & potty training eldest, and basically my entire life is just a wreck right nowBut in another couple of years my life will be sooooo easy...maybe...I hope...😂


R • Mar 6, 2019
Definitely would NOT do this age gap again. I originally wanted 3 or 4 babies...but 2under2 has killed me, so I’m 99% sure I’m done (at least until our youngest is in nursery / kindergarten!)


Posted at
My daughter was almost 8 months old when we found out we we're expecting twins. We weren't trying at all. I was taking precautions and everything. I'm 21 weeks now and haven't had any complications at all so far. Totally think it depends on your body and how it handles it.❤️


Jessica • Mar 5, 2019
Twins do run in my family. My grandma had twin sister siblings. But boy was I shocked when they told me that. 😲


Ch • Mar 5, 2019
Do twins run in your family? I ask because I’ve heard some people say twins are more likely shortly after giving birth. I wondered if there’s any truth to that or if it’s just an old wives tale


Posted at
My fiancé and his brother are only a year apart. I mean I would say it depends on the person. Because they are both healthy and never had any complications. But I would wait at least half the recommended time. So at least 8 months.