Fuck it

Officially done trying to have a kid. And caring about it. I’m young but I know for a fact that I can’t have any. And I give up. It’s not that I wanted one right now but I don’t really see anyone loving me in the future enough to have a kid or even go through all of that process. And I really like sex, and although I’m safe I’ve had guys cum in me all times of the month, nothing has happened so it’s whatever. I just kinda hoped at one point I would be able to have a mini me, and love and care for someone but I can’t, and I’m not adopting I don’t have time or money for fertility treatments, I’m already in the system (like adoption but worse) so I know for a fact that shit sucks, most people think adoption is great until u need a family tree with no family or until the doctor asks if preexisting conditions and you don’t know bc you’ve never known the ppl that birthed u. Ah fuck it. Honestly I always knew I wouldn’t be a mom, I’m just not made for it so it’s cool. It’s just weird though bc I know that I’ll never actually be married or in love, trust me I know, so I can’t really see how I would have a kid, what kid even wants a single parent home Lmfaoo. None. Idk just the fake ass “scares” when it’s really my mental and the negatives over and over after spending so much money is just not worth it. If u actually read this don’t tell me nothing about why adoption is so great if you’re not in my shoes. Don’t tell me that fertility treatments are attainable, and that I’m too young to think about this stuff, or that I’ll find love. Because truthfully if I could write the entirety of how I came to this conclusion you would feel the same way. I just give up. I just wanted to rant I don’t need all the million and five reasons that I’m wrong. Thanks