Anyone anxious for their second birth but was fine for their first?

ljjjj🦋💖 • Mom of 2 boys and 2 fur babies 🥰 wife💜

I’m not sure why but I am so worried that something is going to go wrong during labor this time! My first birth, I had at home and everything was great. 24 hours of labor - 5.5 hours of active labor including pushing and it couldn’t have gone better. It was extremely painful, of course! But other than that, me and baby were both healthy and it was amazing.

A lot of my friends have had crazy stories their second births where they almost died from bleeding too much or something crazy. 😭

I have another home birth planned, and I’m way more nervous this time than I was the first time! Why?😭 The first time I was so confident that it would all be fine.