Milk protein allergy


So the doctors have suspected my lo either has a milk protein allergy or a lactose allergy. The doctor has prescribed us a milk protein free formula which is the Aptamil one. Has anyone else experienced this with their lo? My boy is 4 months in a few days. How long did it take to see any changes? Just curious as my doctor wasn’t very helpful tbh apart from giving us the prescription

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Milk Protein Allergies are very common, and fortunately most kids outgrow this. I’m only personally familiar with it in relation to breastfeeding (and having to remove milk from my diet in order to remove it from baby’s diet) but I’m guessing with formula the effects would be even faster since the change is immediate and there is no waiting period while the milk clears out of mom’s system. I would expect to see improvement within a couple days to maybe a week. Also, since your doctor wasn’t very helpful, here’s some more info:


Ca • Mar 6, 2019
Ditto! Been a week or so since going dairy free and my sons cradle cap is almost 100% gone! Still waiting for the mucousy poop to go away but I'm sure they will be all good within 30 days 👍🏻 I'm really missing cheese though 🤣😂 the things we sacrifice for our LOs ❤️


Posted at
My LO has this aswell I’m breast feeding so have removed all dairy from my diet & also no soy milks etc because they contain protein. You can have almond milk 🥛, it’s pretty hard but I’m getting use to it! I’m waiting for allergy testing to be done now


Posted at
We have had a hell of a time finding a formula that works for my 4 month old ever since we've brought him home. Everything seems to make him painfully gassy...what tipped your doctor off that you LO may have an allergy?


Kathrine • Mar 6, 2019
Yeah, most of this sounds sadly all too son also has developed some eczema which i just wrote of as normal BUT apparently its a common symptom as well. We've got an appointment with his pediatrician on Monday and I'm going to pick her brain then. Hopefully you guys will get everything ironed out soon and he'll be feeling better soon. Until then, hang in there momma


Kimberley • Mar 6, 2019
He’s always been gassy and has suffered with wind really bad no matter what we do for him. For the last month he constantly throws up bottles throughout the day, he could have a bottle and be slightly sick straight after and then bring the majority of it up a couple of hours later. He also has runny poo constantly, I originally thought it was teething poo and normal but with all combined their leaning towards a milk protein allergy or lactose intolerant. He’s been on his new milk since last and has only managed to keep one bottle down and had a really unsettled night, I feel awful for him