He did a thing!

Danalynn • 1 angel baby Cat mommy 💏🐱

Recently my boyfriend and I have hit a little rough patch. We were at the point where stress had overtaken life and things had gotten rough. He had started taking the stress anger out on me and I had started doing the same, and nonstop nagging. He works one week on one week off. So hes gone for the week, well his brother and best friend started telling me to be careful of my boyfriend and not to wrap myself up, I told him about it and he got mad then got distant. I started doubting if this was worth it and if I should leave him or not questioning if we really loved each other. Last night he called me and said hed been thinking about everything. Admitted he'd been a bad boyfriend, admitted he put me second and for a short time he forgot just because we had reached the new step in our relationship it didn't mean that he was allowed to stop winning me over everyday. Just because we had moved in together didnt mean he stopped showing me he loved me,he said he knew he needed to fight for the relationship everyday and that he was a horrible person for putting it on me. He recognized all of this. He told me he had this feeling like I had thought of leaving, and that he knew if he didnt get himself back in line and stop taking the stress out on me that hed come home to an empty house and cold bed. That everyone says since we got together he's refund his happy, that hes refound his passion and taken 100 steps forward. That if he lost me he wasnt just loosing the amazing, forgiving, loving, understanding, patient, human he had found but that if he lost me he would be loosing part of himself and the he never wanted to loose that part. Because the first time he ignored his feelings he thought he lost me ( we had a huge fight as friends before we started dating). He told me I was soulmate and when he looked at me he saw the rest of his life so he was going to do a thing. I had eventually wanted to do when we both felt comfortable enough. So last night he posted this, weve been together a lot longer but he finally told me he didnt care what anyone thought he wanted anyone and everyone to know that he was in love with me and he didnt care who said anything. It honestly made me the happiest person to get this notification.