Help/advice please... recently diagnosed 😓



I haven't had a period since January. This is not normal for me. I came off the pill last year March/May... I can't remember exactly when, but I had regular periods since then and they fell on the same date that the app said it would. This was regardless of all the stress I went through this past year - planning a wedding, losing my father and studying for exams and studying again for supplementary exams.

My periods were also normal in that I didn't have hectic symptoms both on and off the pill. Perhaps a handful of cycles I had bad cramps but that could have been relating to anything that month (bad diet/stress etc).

I did a couple of pregnancy tests when I was late and eventually went to a doctor to do a blood test - all negative. That doctor said I must wait a month to see what happens and maybe my period would start. Of course I can't wait and want to know answers ASAP... so I went for a scan.

The sonographer said that my right ovary appeared enlarged but that there is no cysts and my womb etc appear normal however I could have unilateral PCOS and I should see a gynae.

I went to the gynae who did an internal scan and said there were in fact cysts on both ovaries and thus said I have PCOS. He said that it does however appear I have ovulated this month and that I should wait to see. He further said that I must change my diet and we can take it from there.

I can't help but think that I still don't have the answer I'm looking for. I am thinking of going to see another specialist though. My husband has said we can start trying but how do we do this without knowing I am actually ovulating.

- Is there anything I can take to stimulate ovulation?

- I've read up on clomid and metamorfin and have seen bad comments... thoughts??

- What is best to change in my diet?

- Questions to ask at my next appointment?

- Any general advice?