My ex and I are talking like nothing happened and I'm so confused, help??

My "ex" and I "broke up" in the beginning of February. We had been unofficially dating for around 4 months at the time. There was a huge misunderstanding (60/40 my fault/his) and his first reaction was just to cut things off with me and we didn't talk for about two weeks.

I reached out in a last ditch effort a little over a week ago and he was surprisingly super receptive, we talked things over and mutually decided to be friends and see where things go as far as how much we talk. But, he did say he wasn't pursuing anything romantic.

Meanwhile, we've been talking every day, and in the past few days, it's been extremely frequent- lots of snapchats (we have a streak and are snap best friends again) and texting. Last night we texted back and forth for 2/3 hours and again this afternoon for 3. We even started joking about the whole misunderstanding and about how it was stupid, and he even brought up a few kinda sexual topics (like for example, I said "f* you" jokingly and he responds "well you already have").

I'm just confused because we're talking a lot and at first when we agreed to be friends I thought it'd just be a once in a while thing. I still have feelings for him obviously and was beginning to try and move on but now I'm confused? I never asked whether he still has feelings for me or not, I just know that a week ago he felt like he hadn't regained the same level of trust he had before the misunderstanding yet.

What should I do in this situation? Just see where things go and let myself have feelings for him? Or is that headed for disaster? Am I misinterpreting this all and is he just being friendly?