Is this normal?

I am 9 weeks pregnant. I had my prenatal appointment 3 days ago and they offered me the flue shot and i said yes. That same day i got a fever that lasted until last night. I been having body ache terrible lower back pain, terrible headaches. I cant look down, up, side. Bend down because i get terrible headaches!!! If i turn my head to the sides my neck hurts so bad. Today i woke up like that. My whole body was hurting chest and stomach neck lower back pain. Terrible.

Can this be pregnancy related? Or flue shot related? Should i make an appointment to get myself checked up? I been taking tylenol but doesnt help. Been using heated pads but helps for a little while and starts hurting terrible again. The headaches since i woke up 8am still going strong at 9pm cant bend down look up etc.