Should grade school students be able to keep an epipen with them at all times?


I have a severe allergy to every type of nut (deadly to 3 types). When I was in grade school (elementary, middle school & high school), I was told to give my epipen to the school nurse, because I wasn’t allowed to keep it on my person. Once I got to about 7th grade, I stopped registering it with the school and my mom got me a small bag to keep it in inside of my backpack. The nurses office was a 10 minute walk to my middle school classes, and in high school it was about a 15 minute walk. My mom and I both realized that by the time the nurse got there, it would be too late. Before we decided to have me carry my epipen with me, my mom contacted the school about me keeping it on me, or at my teachers desk. They refused, said they would make no exception and that ONLY the school nurse was to handle it. My mom then took it to the school board, and was given the same answer. I had an allergic reaction today and was thankful I had my epipen in my purse, which reminded me of my school days where this wasn’t allowed.

So, I was wondering about your thoughts and ideas, CC?

Do you think a child should be able to carry an Epipen on their person (in their backpack, or teachers desk when they’re in the room), or do you think ONLY the school nurse should have availability to it?

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