Am I over reacting?


So don't get me wrong being a single mother of a 6 month old who is teething is hard. And I welcome a break every now and then... but recently (in the last month or so) I've noticed I've became really possessive over my son...his father is useless but still gets to see him 3 days a week however noah doesn't see his dad without his granny being they spend zero time just the 2 of them...I thought handing my child over to these people would get easier but if I'm honest it's getting harder... everytime I say something like oh he cries when he's getting his nappy changed they contradict it and say he's fine with us...they do this ALL the time. I feel like a terrible mum because this kind of thing is getting more and more... I sit in tears for about an hour when they leave with noah thinking and trying to convince myself he'll be better off with them if he sleeps all night and doesn't cry...I know it's wrong but I will admit I've considered just stopping them seeing him...but I don't have that nasty bone in my body to do that...and they know it. But how do I deal with it? I'm getting worse...