Help me decide

So I am having a daycare dilemma.

My son just got a full time spit at his daycare for $1100/month...yes $1100. The school is awesome though. They provide all meals, education, milk, wipes. (My son is 14 months old). He loves the teachers. It is SO expensive though!!

My friend who just had her second baby decided she doesn't want to go back to work and has offered to watch our son which would be $300 cheaper than the school. Plus she would watch him in our home... My son knows her and she watched him when he was littler when I was first going back to work but had to stop so she could work. My husband and I want another baby and we know we couldn't afford to pay the daycare for 2 kids... It's insane. However my friend could watch both babies for much cheaper. Would you prefer the daycare or a friend? I keep hearing both sides. Tell me yours!!

Option 1: daycare

Option 2: friend

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