How would you feel?

So this might be kinda long but I’m not sure if I’m overreacting or if I have the right to be kinda upset. So my cousins little boy just turned one, his first birthday party is this weekend and she didn’t invite me/my daughter who is 6 months old. I know this seems silly but we live super close and she’s invited a lot of other family, including my other cousin who’s daughter is 4 months old. We were all super close when I was growing up, even though the cousin with the little boy is 10+ years old than me. But last year my grandparents lost their home in a hurricane, my uncle offer for them to stay in his vacation home which was about and hour away from where there home was. About a week after they got settled the cousin with the little boy (who is my uncles daughter) decided she and her family were going to move into this home and asked for my grandparents to leave, even though they had no place to go. My mom, grandmother and uncle were all upset the cousin kinda threw a fit but in the end apologized but at this point my grandparents had already found another place to stay. She stayed in the vacation house for a weekend before returning back to her home. My main concern is my daughter being left out of family events. We already were not invited to an engagement party this past weekend and now a birthday party? I’m not sure why were the only part of the family. It makes me sad because when me and all my cousins were pregnant I was so excited my daughter would get to have a childhood surrounded by cousins close in age just like I did. Now I feel like she’s not going to have that.