My past haunts me

That sounds dramatic, but it’s true. Every now and then when I have extra time on my hands my mind likes to torture me and run through all of my painful memories. Memories that go as far back as 5-7 years. Those were the most painful memories of my life. I know I should have gone to therapy at that time but I was young and dumb and honestly I couldn’t afford to. They’re almost like intrusive thoughts, once they start flowing it’s impossible to stop them. I don’t understand why it happens but it’s a lot to handle sometimes. Especially when I’m alone at 3 am. Am I supposed to go to therapy to heal and make peace with it? I usually just shove it so far down and every now and then like tonight it comes back up. I feel like I’ve run away from my past and my problems and I just want to be happy with who I am and get over what happened to me.