Depression is really taking a toll on me this month, more than ever.

This month I would’ve been delivering twins into the world. I remember when me & my fiancé found out we were over the moon but then at almost 9 weeks we had our whole world turned upside down. I had lost one twin at 7 weeks but lost another & everything else in my uterus at 8w4d. I miscarried in August & kept my head up afterwards I tried to not let it get to me. I got pregnant again a couple months later but had another loss a couple months after that. Dealing with 2 back to back losses have been heavy but this month being the month I would’ve delivered is eating at me. I’m sleeping all throughout the day again, eating much much more than normal, lashing out at people, becoming extremely defensive of myself & my depression, getting irritable quick, getting anxious in social settings again etc. 😪 I’m tired of hearing “you need to talk to someone” I know that might be true but I’m just not ready to sit down & open up about my babies I can’t even post this without being anonymous. I wouldn’t wish a MC on my worst enemy. 💔