I don’t know what to do


When we decided to get pregnant he had a very good job and could afford everything which was important because doctors prefer me not to work while I’m pregnant.

A month after we started trying I got a positive test and only a week after that he tells me his job didn’t renew his contract cause I guess it was an internship instead of an actual job, which he failed to mention (he got the job before we started dating) I panicked a little but he assured me it would be fine and he’d get another job. In a month and a half we went through both our savings (which wasn’t much)

He got a job at Applebee’s but they only work him 10 hours a week so we only get like $120 a month which doesn’t even cover the electric bill. So last month we had to borrow money from his mom to pay rent and the electric bill.

Applebee’s honestly has horrible management and only makes the schedules two or three days in advance and keeps telling him they will call him with the schedule but doesn’t and every time we call them they don’t have the schedule done yet. So yesterday he called them and they didn’t have anything for him and that they would call him to let him know, then today they call him at 6:00 and say “hey you were supposed to be at work at 5:00” he and I (especially me) got really mad because how was he supposed to know!?!

This week his friend came to visit and is staying with another friend. My bf asked off for Saturday and Sunday and then earlier tonight he started saying well me and friends have plans Monday so even if I’m scheduled I’m just not gonna go.” And I got so mad. I told him I understand not going on Saturday and Sunday cause he asked off but no matter if his friends have plans he needs to go to work. I told him he’s supposed to schedule with friends around work, not the other way around, even if his friend is visiting Missouri all the way from England, we still have a baby on the way and can’t even pay our bills. He was upset that I didn’t take his side but 🤷🏻‍♀️