Need this off my chest...

Steph • Wife & Mama of 3 👧🏻👦🏻👶🏼

Ive talked to my husband but I’m still frustrated... so here’s a rant to get this off my chest.

I’ve mentioned on here the only support I get for breastfeeding is my husband. My work is apathetic but I’m lucky to have time to pump. My in laws don’t say anything but don’t live near. Our friends don’t have little babies right now but don’t care how I feed my child but my mom is so not supportive. I’m not sure how to get her to stop making these discouraging comments. First she would text me or call practically every day begging me to supplement my son with formula because he was just too small and that I was making him malnourished because in the beginning he was gaining slowly and I had to go in for weighed checks for three weeks til he reached birthweight. Even after he reached it she thought he looked too scrawny. She finally shut up about that point since he started daycare last month and my husband and I decided two weeks ago to supplement some do to work stress and supply dipping some.

Last week she asked me how he was sleeping and was like stop being so clinging with him and said Two wake ups at night aren’t normal and how he would sleep better if I stopped. I told her I know people who formula feed and their babies don’t sleep through and she brushed that off to them not feeding theirs enough 🙄.

Yesterday she told me I should stop bfing because I’m Making my oldest jealous of her brother and I’m not accessible enough to her... she’s like 3 1/2months is enough, you are being selfish.

I was like being a little jealous and wanting more mommy time is normal and I talked to my sister and her daughter went through that when her youngest formula fed daughter was awake more (normal to get a little possessive but not because of how I feed). She’s like well it’s unfair you only bf her for three months 😓(struggled with my first)

I’ve told my mom all the benefits but nothing stops the discouraging comments from her... I’m going to continue to defend myself and ignore the unwanted ‘advice’. I just want to reach my minimum goal of six months and possibly longer if I can but gosh she’s wearing on my nerves!! end rant