My 2 week old will not sleep!

Alexandria • Wife 7/3/11💍 Mommy to Mila 2/20/19 👧🏻 + Eleanor 11/23/21 👶🏻

For the past 4 days in a row my 2 week old will not fall asleep at night. We created a routine and every night we used to feed her at 1030 and she would fall asleep in her bassinet and then stay asleep until her 130am feeding. Now I feed her at 1030 and she will literally fight to stay awake until 1 am. I have tried everything from swaddling to rocking, changing diapers, pacifiers, cosleeping, laying on my chest, gripe water and she still fights and cries. I am literally in tears trying to get her to sleep and don’t know what else to do, anyone else have the same problem? She is bottle fed breast milk and formula.