Early Labor for 2 Days...


I started having consistent contractions pretty far apart Thursday night. Then around Friday 12am they became more consistent and kept me up until 5 in the morning.

Friday I had them all day but once again timing and duration all over the place. Then from 9-11pm I had consistent contractions spaced 7-11 minutes apart and lasting almost 2 minutes long.

My water broke with my first so this is entirely new territory for me. I went to my doctor on Friday after the first night of no sleep. I’m 2 cm dilated and he wasn’t confident either way of the baby coming his weekend.

I don’t think I can keep this up until my due date, two more weeks. Not sure if this is a please help me post or just a rant to a bunch of people who will not ask me 3 times a day if I went to the hospital yet.

Hope everyone else is having a more pleasant last few weeks!