Does anyone relate? Feeling so alone :(

I am still grieving the baby I lost to miscarriage 8 months ago. I am now 6 months pregnant (which I think makes my family think I’m ok since I have the chance to have another one) but I am just so exhausted and emotionally drained. This pregnancy has been mentally hard since I have a constant fear of something going wrong. Now that I’m further along I feel more assured that odds are I will have a healthy baby, but I am still dealing with the loss of my last baby. I just get triggered from time to time and cry uncontrollably. I feel so much sadness at times. I feel so alone and so in my thoughts. I hate sharing with others how I feel because no one understands. My husband hates when I bring up the miscarriage so I’ve learned to hide my feelings away. I cry in the bathroom or when he’s not around. And others who know about my miscarriage, well I feel like it’s uncomfortable to bring it up. I pretend things are ok but I am struggling. :(