Dear Dre..

I’m still hurting, idek why because we never even said I love you. I got attached to you, I got comfortable, I thought to myself “damn I think this one is gonna stick” but I was wrong. I noticed how you got distant and I felt like I was fighting to keep this relationship and you didn’t give a fuck. I put my shit aside for you, I have my own problems at work, school and home and I still put you on top, whenever I had something going on you never gave me the same energy I gave you. I told you from the beginning that I didn’t want my time wasted and that’s exactly what you ended up doing. You got my hopes up, I feel like such a dumbass for letting you in. I hope you realize you lost a real one and regret it because i was down for you like nobody else and i don’t think you’ll ever find someone like me again. I hope you hurt just as bad as I am right now.