Sunday check in.


I'm just gonna post mine because I want to keep doing this. Feel free to post yours down below.

Starting weight: 122

Current weight: 124.5

Goal weight: be toned and healthy

Age: 22

Height: 5'4".

Well I actually did okay. I've been working on eating healthier and not eating late at night. I did fail a couple times on my new rule but that was just because I was up way late and I was actually hungry. I wasn't just eating out of boredom lol.

Workouts have been good. I'm up to an average of 40 minutes per workout. And I'm pushing myself farther as time goes on. I'm trying to incorporate more back exercises to help with strength.

Idk why but I'm feeling less confident again. I keep looking in the mirror and thinking I'm fat which I know I'm not. But it's like every time I lose weight I go back to losing grip of the reality of my size. Could it be a sign of some kind of issue? How do I work past it? Because I really don't want to become more obsessed again and become underweight. I was too skinny in highschool because I kept thinking I was fat. I know I know, it's dumb. But it's what my mind keeps doing to me.