Transfer date confirmed


Hi Everyone 1st time posting

A little background

My husband was diagnosed with Cancer in April 2015. We had only been married six months and no children. So we knew we had to freeze his sperm before his treatment. We had to pay private as the wait on the nhs was too long

Fast forward November 2017 he was given the all clear and we decided to wait a year before starting <a href="">Ivf</a>.

January 2019 we started and I had my egg retrieval, but I suffer with OHSS so the doctor said we had to do a freeze all. Fast forward to March and we are doing a natural frozen transfer. The last week has been so stressful as I got told that I couldn’t ovulate on a Monday as they are closed on Sunday!! Which I find crazy if I paid someone 7k ( we had to go private as no funding in our postcode). Anyway thank god I ovulated on Sunday , so have been given our transfer date of Saturday 16th.

I have such a mix of emotions, any one else transfer this week?