Should dogs that show aggression towards children be given a second chance?


Story for the background of the question

My sister is a big dog rescuer. She has no children. She has a Doberman she rescued 7 years ago who was abused. About 5 years ago he attacked me. Drew blood and ripped my clothes. Luckily her other dog steeped in the middle and my wounds were minor.

Fast forward to now. I have forgiven the dog. After a year of me avoiding him I decided to give him another chance. He has not shown aggression towards me or apparently anyone else since.

Then yesterday he snapped at my 2 year old. Thank god I was watching very closely but suddenly this dog started growling at my kid! Showing his teeth and in a stance that looked like he was going to attack. But he didn’t...because I tackled the dog and put him in a head lock.

After this event I lost it on my sister. Told her to lock him up and NEVER let him around mine or ANYONES child. She said no, he did not bite, he only growled and showed teeth he deserves another chance.

I’ll be clear my son did nothing. We have dogs and he is very gentle. He was only sitting near the dog.

What would you do? Would you give him another chance?

(My decision is already no chance in hell but I’m trying to see my sisters standpoint on this. I want her dog to be around, just not around me and my kid. She can lock him up when we are around but she says I’m being ridiculous)

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