First Serious Relationship Need Help


I have had a bad history with relationships and have very little trust to give people, including my significant other. Not that he has done anything to break my trust but because of my past I will seem to always have a bad thought in my head and run away instantly and I’ve learned to shut down my feelings very quick and I have actually broken up with my boyfriend because of the thoughts that I have put in my head and had convinced myself that he had actually done the things that have happened in the past such as cheating. I have asked my boyfriend to bring me food/pick me up from work 4 times within the past month and he has shown up 2 times out of the 4 and the “excuse” he uses every time is that he has fallen asleep and didn’t hear the alarm. I can believe that he has fallen asleep because he is a very hard working man but not hearing the alarm when last time this had happened I broke up with him, you’d think he’d be a little more cautious?

I would just like advice! This is my first serious relationship and I do love this man but I’m more afraid to get hurt again, than anything.