Cant stand other peoples kids.

So I'm 33 weeks pregnant with my first baby boy. I cant wait and am already so in love with this little guy. I think hes going to be the cutest thing, you know the whole 9 yards. Before I got pregnant I didnt want children, but I didnt mind them. I changed my mind about having my own and here I am. So here's the problem and I feel absolutely horrible about it. Since I hit the 3rd trimester in this pregnancy I've notice I cannot stand other peoples kids. Like they literally make me cringe. (Of course I dont treat them badly or let anyone know) I think that they're all ugly and look like little brats, they're annoying ect. I feel absolutely horrible for feeling this way and it honestly scares me, like what if I just cant stand kids now and I'm about to have my own? Has anyone else been through this in pregnancy. Is it just hormones? I would also like to add it's not all kids. I still see some babys and children and I'm like aw cute. It's just like 80 percent of them now.