Just found out we’re expecting!


I’ve had it all so far. Morning sickness, painful breasts, cramping, even pain in my sides for seemingly no reason. Well, I decided to take a pregnancy test this morning and was not expecting the very very clear positive that came with it. I’m so excited and so is my honey but I’m also afraid we’re not exactly ready to be parents. We’re in a tough spot at this point in our lives and he is planning to go off to basic training for the military in a few months. I’m nervous to do it alone. Even if it’s just pregnancy.

Our positive test ❤️❤️❤️

Us on Valentine’s day ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👶🏻

Update: Took two clear blue tests because I’ve heard they can be a little more sensitive to HCG sometimes. And got all positives! We’re absolutely having a little baby!