Pregnancy test or birth control

Mama of 3 • Wife & Mama of 3 ASD supporter 🧩 2 princes🤴 1 princess 👸🏻 Coffee ALWAYS ☕️

On March 3rd my husband and I had unprotected sex. I am currently 6 weeks postpartum and breast feed off and on. I was supposed to start my birth control pill that week but I was afraid if I became pregnant from the previous nights shindig the birth control would be bad for my baby. My question is should I take a pregnancy test then start the pill according to those results or just start the pill? We also had unprotected sex 1 other time with then the last week since then. I know unprotected sex and especially after birth you are more fertile so I’m not here for hate and to be told I’m stupid for it. Simply here for some advice. I don’t think I’ve had my period yet either because I had my postpartum bleeding then literally stopped bleeding and had the unprotected sex. I’ve been having some stringy discharge for almost 2 weeks if that is important at all.