So gassy already at 3 weeks 6 days

Kyla • I love my daughters and sons(r.i.p)and my husband💗blood donor🩸 and milk donor🤱🏼

This is my fourth pregnancy (1 living 1 still birth and 1 miscarriage) I can't stop passing gas😶 it's driving my husband nuts my daughter thinks it's hilarious. I don't remember by hips hurting this bad the previous 3. My legs hurt my lower back hurts. I'm super nauseated. I was super nauseated with the two boys I lost. So I'm hoping for another boy.💙 I think my husband is picking up on the moodiness because he's been moody too.😂 Gonna make an appointment here in a few weeks👶 once the lines gets darker and we're in the "safe zone"(13 weeks is our mark) I hope it will be more exciting for hubby....