Please help


I started some light spotting the day after my period and by light I mean when I wipe or bathe I see it but it’s not enough to touch a liner. I have very normal periods so I knew this wasn’t normal and it’s still happening as of today. Yesterday I decided to take a pregnancy test and it came positive so I’m so confused on how I can be pregnant bc My last period was February 26th and it lasted four days and my period before that was January 30th and it lasted 4 days also. According to my bloodwork my numbers are 39mIU/ml . And I’ll retest again tomorrow to see if my numbers are rising. I don’t have any major pregnancy symptoms except for I can tell my appetite has increased slight sensitivity to smells and I’m peeing a tad bit more than normal. Has anyone had spotting to be their only noticeable symptom?


I did end up having a D&C, unfortunately!