My turn! đź’•

Savanna • Mommy of Pisces & Sagittarius 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 • Fiancé • 💓

My little girl has made her arrival! đź’ś

My story: This is baby #2 and our very last baby! I had my son naturally at 39w3d in December of 2017! Labor went pretty fast considering he was my first. Once my waters were broken, I had him 5 hours later. Well, onto my daughter! She came naturally as well at 39w2d (March 11, 2019) With my son, I had no epidural but, I did get to have two rounds of IV pain meds (Nubian)! Welp, this girl here didn’t want to keep momma waiting! I didn’t even have time to get pain meds, let alone an IV almost before having her! I came to our local L&D at 7:00pm to be checked because I was hurting something serious (contractions, obviously). I was admitted and in my L&D room by 9:25. I went from a 4 1/2 dilation to an 8 in the hour I sat in L&D getting hooked up to everything like an IV and monitors. My girl was ready! I had a partially broken water sac so, the doctor came in and broke it the rest of the way at 11:25pm. My girl was here in my arms 30 short minutes after that at 11:54pm, my Ella Cheyenne was here. 8lbs 8oz 20in long of pure joy! NATURAL laboring is hard work y’all and I can’t believe I’ve done it twice now!! My family is complete and I’m so so happy 💜