I don’t know anymore :(


I’m bell I’m 15. I’m 16 in May. I feel depressed and I always have bad thoughts I feel unwanted and stupid and everything I do I feel like it’s not good enough. I recently got dumped by my bf and we were together for two months but it’s the second time we dated and I found out that he’s talking to someone and it hasn’t been two weeks since we broke up. I feel lost I feel like I have lost myself. I feel worthless unwanted not loved and really stupid. I try so hard to not cry and I tried to push how I was feeling away I tried to push the pain away but it hit me yesterday I cried so much I screamed because of the pain. See im always home alone my mum and all that go to work and the kids go to school I go to tafe but it doesn’t keep me distracted. Nothing I do distracts me. I get attached really easily and I always end up getting hurt and left and abandoned. See my dad abandoned me when I was little and now i have trust issues and I think the reason why I get attached easy is because of my dad and also that I don’t want people I love abandoning me. I feel so hurt and I try to get myself to do shit but everything I do just doesn’t make me happy it doesn’t make me smile or laugh and if I do smile or laugh it’s fake because I don’t want people knowing how hurt and broken I am. I give my everything in that relationship both times we dated but he still left. I feel unwanted in this world like yeah I have my family but I just feel like somethings missing. I really don’t know what to do anymore I feel like giving up everyday and I can’t sleep if I do fall asleep I always have bad dreams then wake up and then can’t get back to sleep. I am scared and i stress and overthink about everything. I am always sad and I ne’er laugh or smile I keep my distance from everyone because I feel like it’s better if I shut everyone out for a while because I don’t want to hide how I’m feeling but everytime i talk to someone about it they won’t stop asking questions and it hurts me more and even when I ask if they can stop asking they still do. But idk what to do anymore I’ve lost who I am and I don’t see a future for me anymore and it’s not just cause of the breakup I have been feeling like this for 9 months now cause I moved to Sydney from wa last year and I have been here for 9 or 10 months now but I just feel completely lost. I feel like I’m drowing. I really hope u read and answer cause I don’t know what to do besides from giving up. I have gotten really angry and irritated a lot more lately and my mum and I were walking the other day and she said to me that she has noticed that I have gotten really angry quite easily and more moody then usual and I’m not due for my period for a couple of weeks and everytime my period is due i get quite moody but I have never gotten this angry before and yesterday I hit the wall cause I was really angry and then I just do stupid shit lately and I feel like giving up and idk what to do anymore