6 weeks transvaginal Vs. 8 weeks abdominal

So I had to book a private u/s today for the sake of hubby seeing baby cause he wasn’t able to go with me during my first appointment and won’t be able to go to my second one also. At first the tech said she couldn’t see anything, but we heard a heartbeat. I told her we saw the baby already a couple weeks ago and I should be correct with my dates but she insisted I could still be 6 weeks today because she said she couldn’t see anything. But I told her I think I see something and that’s what’s in the ultrasound picture on the left. I left the facility really nervous and just so sad because now I feel something is wrong with my pregnancy. And after two MC’s, I just went crazy worried. I also feel really bad for my husband because he was super excited and I feel like I let him down today. :( he is also worried about the baby now

When I went home and compared the two, my baby looked like it grew! And if anything, you can totally see baby on both ultrasounds. It’s just like, being in that place, I felt like she was telling me I wasn’t pregnant. The ultrasound on the left is today. The one on the right was two weeks ago. What do you think ladies? :/