Cleaning books

Kim • Pregnant with #1 after about a year of trying. Due end of October and very excited!

We were given a bunch of hand me down books from a friend of a friend. Most are board books. Am I crazy for wanting to clean the books before putting them in baby's library? I started wiping each page of each book with a clorox wipe. Just a light wipe - not scrubbing each page. After about 4 books in I decided maybe that was overkill and just wiped off the front, back, and sides of each book.

Some books still have Half Price Books stickers on them. I'm all about savings and happy to have the books, but does knowing they've been in at least 2 different homes (and likely 2 different mouths) make a difference?

FTM - honestly don't know if I'm being cautious and responsible or crazy and over the top.

Thanks for your input! :)

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