9 week scan. So nervous


I have my 9 week scan today & I’m so nervous 😭 I wish I could be excited to see my little bean but I’m terrified of them telling me something bad 💔 I had a miscarriage in 2016 and we’ve been trying ever since. We got to see the heartbeat of this little one at 6weeks6days and it’s the furthest along we’ve ever been. I thought it would make me feel better but it’s made me more nervous for each appt 😩 send me all your positive vibes please!!!!!! 💛💛💛💛


Baby is nice & healthy!!! 180bpm !!! And we even saw him/her wiggling and dancing 😭 I had anxiety for nothing!! I hope this gives hope to all your mamas out there to trust in god that everything will be okay!!