IVF teach appointment ended with bad news

Susan • TTC since 2016 / 3mcs in 2018 / 2 failed fresh IVF cycles and a 3rd converted to failed IUI / 2 failed FET / 🌈 Nov 2021

I went in for my teaching appointment to learn how to administer the injections. I was set to start 3/29. I also had an ultrasound that showed a cyst on my ovary caused by the birth control pill. A blood test showed that the cyst is producing estrogen and my level is 400 - basically the birth control had the exact opposite effect on my body, and my level is so high it’s as if I am taking clomid.

So now I have to stop the birth control pill, and my husband has to give me a shot of Ovidrel. This is supposed to cause me to ovulate and hopefully get a period within the next two weeks. A period is the only way for estrogen to go down. If my estrogen does not get back under control in a certain amount of time, I may not be able to go through with <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> at this time.

I’m nearly heartbroken. I know I’m not out this round yet, but the news is such a blow after going the the whole morning prepping to begin in just two short weeks. We’ve been trying since the summer of 2016 and went through 3 miscarriages in 2018. I had a d&c in November and a hysteroscopy in January. This road has been long, and I’m emotionally drained.