My girls timeline (:

Myka • 23 with a 3 y/o girl 💜

Just came to share my girls journey so far!

October 28: four days late for period, tested and got an immediate positive!

Nov. 1: first ultrasound @ 5w2d, nothing but a black hole (:

Dec. 7: second ultrasound @ 10w6d, a full baby!

Dec. 20: third ultrasound, almost 14 weeks (:

Jan. 31: fourth ultrasound, 18w3d. It’s a girl! 💗

Feb. 28: fifth ultrasound, 22w3d. Face shot💖

March 14: sixth ultrasound, 24w2d! Healthy girl lookin like mama!

I’m so excited for my girl to be here. She’s due July 1-3, they didn’t pick a day lmao! So so in love ❤️❤️