Boy? Prom? Advice?

So i’ve been hanging out w this guy & we’ve been having sex, nothing serious but if he thought i was talking to someone he’d get all upset w me & since we’ve been hanging out i haven’t talked to anyone, its just been him. He was my first everything, i’ve never even had a boyfriend so im not sure what i’m supposed to think. he hasn’t been in a good place lately & i tried to be there for him but he completely pushed me away, i told him that it wasn’t just sex & he said that he knew that but since then i’ve tried checking up on him & he just hasn’t replied, he’s seen it but no answer. In person everything seemed fine, he’s hugged me but that’s it. Also my senior prom is coming up & he is apparently planning to ask someone else, I didn’t want to go w him but i also didn’t know that was an option. he brought it up w one of our friends like right in front of me, we’ve been super private about whatever is going on between us but idk:( Im genuinely really hurt about this but idk what to do or what to say?? help pls

btw im 18, i know what i got myself into when it first started but im not sure where to go from here