Sex deals!!

Samantha • Mommy of two and currently pregnant with my third babe due November 23rd 2019♥️♥️♥️

Sorry this is long......

How do you feel about sex deals? For example:you want Chinese food but ur SO doesn’t so he says if you do this(insert something sexual to me) you can get what u want!! And I mean this is with anything not just wat I want...... he randomly does stuff like this like tonight it was babe if I throw this chicken nugget and the dog catches it on the first try u lick my butthole tonight. I feel like it’s childish when ur in a relationship u shouldn’t have to make deals or shouldn’t have to do things u don’t wanna do all the time.

Background story......We have been together 11 years it hasn’t always been like this when we first got together we would do anything at any point in time but after about a year it started to be like this when I asked for something. I’m kinda getting tired of it I’ve told him n he acts like a kid n throws himself on the floor!!! I haven’t been wanting to have sex much lately because I’ve been super depressed I’m still in the grieving stage of losing my sister(literally watching her take her last breath and her flat line) 5 months ago I haven’t properly grieved because I’m trying to stay strong for my kids and my sick father but it’s been really hard lately so when I tell him I’m still grieving he says well u still have responsibilities at home and in the bed and that I should be basically over it by now. That not like losing a great uncle or something this is someone I grew up with from birth that always was around no matter wat we were like best friends even through her drug addiction I feel like I lost apart of me and he doesn’t get it.