Help-- Tapeworm?!

I was concerned about if I had a tapeworm or not. I am 22 weeks pregnant and I have had no adverse tapeworm symptoms but I've read that most of the time you don't. Earlier today I used the restroom and noticed something in my stool when I wiped that was about 3"-4" long and was the same thickness and texture/rigidity as clear plastic bra strap. It was about 1/4" in width and it had a yellowish color to it also. It was not segmented, it was smooth all the way through it. I didn't get a picture because I was so horrified and grossed out at what just came out of me.

I have a couple of things that lead me to believe that it isnt--

I haven't had any diarrhea or bleeding, I have gained weight in the last couple weeks, I last got my blood drawn in the beginning of February and my last OB appointment was 2 weeks ago, everything for me and baby are growing just fine. They didn't mention I have a lack of anything or that anything is wrong. For the size of whatever it was I feel like if it was a worm it would have had to have been growing for quite a while so something would have shown up as not looking right, right?

I haven't had any undercooked meat, I change the sheets once a week, I shower daily, I do eat lunch meats but haven't had any in about a month. I have 2 cats, husband does the box, they haven't exhibited any symptoms and he hasn't noticed anything in their stool either.

I did eat a couple beef hotdogs last night so I thought it could have been a casing?

Any guesses? I might see a doctor but if it's just something that didn't digest right I don't want to go through the trouble...

Thank you in advance and apologize for the TMI!