Any ideas?


Hi, looking for some advice, please.

We lost our precious baby girl at 20 weeks on 9th Jan this year after 18 months trying. I am 40 now. My cycle started again 9th Feb with an abnormally long period of about ten days, I ovulated on day 25 on 4th March. D7 PO I had some cramping and a dip on BBT. Yesterday- day 10 PO I had another dip on BBT and some spotting but bleeding has stopped and temp back up. I have some mild cramping but so far no further bleeding. Today is day 11 PO; did a HPT but BFN.

Any ideas as to whether this could still be a pregnancy? I really thought the D7 cramping was implantation with an implantation bleed yesterday but a little thrown by the negative pregnancy test. Maybe just AF starting early 😕

So heartbroken after we lost our baby would really love to have fallen pregnant easily and so soon...