I’m Sorry


I'm sorry I'm not skinny. I'm sorry that I have a double chin. I'm sorry I'm fat. I'm sorry for my big thighs. And I'm sorry for not having a big butt or big breasts. I'm sorry for having a huge belly. I'm sorry for my flabby arms. I'm sorry for not being your ideal type of girl. But guess what? Just because I'm fat doesn't mean I don't have anything to offer. I can give you love,respect,and loyalty. I will take care of you in your weakest times. I'll support you and help you any way I can. I will do everything in my power to make you happy. I will love you unconditionally. I will always be there for you no matter what. I would never ever cheat on you. I'm not that type of person. I'd stay loyal and honest. I would never hide anything from you. I promise. I know this might not be enough for some guys. Even if that was what you were looking for. You probably wouldn't be interested since I'm fat. Just know that even though I'm fat I have more to offer than most girls do. And it's your loss,not mine.