4 days late negative tests went to doctors

Nadine • Ttc since tubal reversal August 2016

I went to the doctors today

My urine came out negative

Doctor did an ultrasound and saw 2 mature follicles but there’s no way I’m ovulating because my cm isn’t fertile. She was very surprised 😮 and didn’t have a response for me. She told me to just wait til it shows and she prescribed me clomid 150 mg for next cycle with a trigger shot. She’s gonna do another ultrasound on cycle day 12 n trigger me. She’s very hopeful and thinks this is very weird but not to worry. She said it could be I’m pregnant and maybe it’s too early. I’d be 5 weeks 2 days today but she’s not sure why I don’t have a period. I’m not giving up. This is totally weird for me since my cycles are very regular. I’ll keep everyone posted because I’m giving this another shot. 2 1/2 years ttc and 3 miscarriages.