Is there actually something here??

Ashley • Feminist, atheist, crazy cat lady with a penchant for macaroni and cheese. I'm 31. Our daughter is baby #1 and she's due 11/30/17. 🎉👶🏼💜
This is tripping me out.  I've been on Depo since June 2011, never been late for or missed a shot.  No side effects at all except for a complete lack of AF since the initial injection.  I had my last shot a month ago and I wasn't planning on going back at Thanksgiving for my next one because The Dude and I decided it's time to make a baby.  
I've been feeling weird for a couple weeks.  Sore boobs, riding the emotional roller coaster, fluttering and cramping in my lower left abdomen, last night I couldn't sleep all night and I was queasy.  I threw up a little this morning.
I haven't had a period in four years.  I am a month into my current (and final) shot.
Am I seeing things?  I booked a test tomorrow afternoon to check either way, but holy crap could I be one of those mythical women who gets pregnant on Depo?