Mommy Phase

Megan • I am pregnant with our first child, a boy, due May 31st.
Is anyone else having baby go through a mommy phase?
My son is 3 months now and previously he had no problem going to other people (dad, grandma, friends) but the last two weeks he only wants me. He will cry if I'm not holding him or he can't see me and even my poor husband can't put him to bed because he will cry until I give in and soothe him.
I know developmentally this is normal and just a phase so I am just giving him what he needs at this point. I both love it and hate it though! I love that he loves me so much and is just so obsessed with me right now especially since one day when he doesn't want my cuddles I will look back at this time and miss it. It feels great being able to soothe him and make him happy. BUT I also hate that I can't get anything done because he constantly needs me for everything!
Grandma held him while I went to the bathroom for two minutes today and he literally cried the second I left until I returned 😣's just a phase, it will pass right!