I'm totally crazy, don't know what to think..๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜” please read๐Ÿ˜จ

Ok ladies, so I just took this test, Wednesday I took one and I saw a vvv faint line I don't think it had any colour. Today I took another (I'm not a poas addict but it's been almost 3 weeks of sensitive nipples and my boobs look bigger every day, I ovulated on the 20th of August and that was cd3! I know it's crazy but I was due for my period on the 8/15 and I'm usually 2-4 days late. On cd3 morning it completely stopped and I had EWCM and we bded since then. On the 8/27 morning I had a strange cramp and was very bloated, I went to the restroom sorry-Tmi I had on my panties a strange cm looked like EWCM but with a small small cloth( the size of a needle) I thought maybe it was like this because my af lasted 2 days but from that moment my nipples started to feel sensitive and painfull and I had about 3-4 days of period like cramps and my cm changed into creamy/milky but pink/brownish tingle with no smell. I keep having cramps on and off and none of my bra fitt anymore but my cm is dry/creamy- no smell at all, heartburn, insomnia and horrible acne(which I never had) ๐Ÿ˜ขAf is due on the 09/20 according to glow but all this symptoms drive me crazy! ๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜“ here it goes the hpt from today... I think I see a line but honestly I don't know if it has any colour. Every insight will be appreciated. Please let me now what you think. Thank you โœจโญ๏ธโ˜บ๏ธย