Help!!! Sleep deprivation its real!!


Hello all im in desperate need of advice my son its 18 months old and for the past 1 to 2 months hes sleeping patterns have change he went from sleeping form 8.30pm to 7am to waking up randomly once or twice but for the past 2 weeks hes up every 3 hrs he has a cold and sometimes gets congested but this is just out of control im getting 5 hrs of sleep and im 5 months pregnant and im exausted, anyone else dealing with something similar? I dont know what to do he sleeps in his room on his crib thats he loves being in but just keeps constantly waking up today for example he didn't fall asleep untill about 9.30pm was up at 11.30, 1.30am, and 3am when i pick him up he falls asleep in my arms but if i put him back with 10 min he wakes up so usually stay with him 20 to 30 min at a time and then by 6.30-7am he is just ready to start his day !!!! How on earth are you not tired!!!